Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thaval Adai

Rice 2 cups
Channa dhall 3/4 cup
Thuvar dhall 3/4 cup
Urad dhall 1/2 cup
Red chillies 6
Cumin seeds 1/2
Pepper 1/2 t.spoon
Hing a small pinch
Salt 1 t.spoon
Curry leaves
Oil 2 t.spoons
Ghee 2 t.spoons

Rinse and soak rice, channa dhall, thuvar dhall, and urad dhallin water for 1 hour. Wet grind the above coarsely
with red chillies and salt.Heat oil and ghee in a pan, and add cumin seeds, pepper, hing, and curry leaves, and mix it with the
batter.Make them similar to addais.

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